These are completed projects done to practice using HTML, CSS & Javascript. They come from different sources, and most are freely available for anyone to practice with. Where not, I'll indicate if it is from a premium source.
I've put them all into a single GIT repository rather than litter my git service with many different projects. This may change in future depending on how many of these that I do.
Robert McGovern
Frontend Mentor
Collection of challenges I completed for Frontend Mentor
Newbie Challenges
Collection of challenges I completed while doing Freecodecamp
Responsive Web Design Projects Challenges
Note: As of 11 Oct 2020, these require a partial rework to look good on mobile. 1-3 where written much earlier in my learning, so while they fufill all the requirements, they don't look great on mobile.
The Complete 2022 Web Development Bootcamp
Coming Soon™
JavaScript Projects
Various JavaScript projects I've completed